Welcome to What's Now Playing! ============================== .. image:: images/meerkatdj_256x256.png :target: images/meerkatdj_256x256.png :alt: Meerkat Logo **What's Now Playing** is a tool written in Python to retrieve the current/last played song in MIXXX, Serato, Traktor, Virtual DJ, and many other audio and DJ programs. It gives you full control to use or not use whatever features you like and fully customize the output to match your style. You can even pretend to be a fancy music channel: .. image:: gallery/images/mtv-with-cover.png :target: gallery/images/mtv-with-cover.png :alt: Example MTV-style with cover Image Checkout the `gallery `_ to see more examples! To get started, begin with `Quickstart `_. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: quickstart upgrading usage settings/index input/index output/index recognition/index extras/index requests help/index reference/index gallery contact Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`